Lintsi 348
Show photographer Mika Kukkonen

Naiseksi, joka olet

  • Show times

    Thu 5.9. at 7 pm.


Defiant, sensual, mysterious. Sensitive, soft, vulnerable. Gossiping, playful, needing touch. Her own kind. Strong.

Naiseksi, joka olet (The woman you are) is an evening of dance that brings a group of wonderful dancing women aged 16 to 80 to the stage with different dance styles.

The evening consists of short performances choreographed by Marco Bjurström, Karin Forsström, Ilona Hurme, Sikujua Mponda, Marta Jorits and Draco, Elina Pasanen and Maria Leikola, Tuomo Railo, Marianne Rouhiainen, Satu Silvanto and Todellinen Kollektiivi (Erja Asikainen, Leena Gustavson, Annika Sarvela and Raisa Vennamo).

What a woman can be and become! We invite you to become empowered with us. Become the (many) woman you are!

Organizer: Satu Silvanto & Friends

Ticket information

Standard ticket | 22 €

Discount ticket | 17 € Pensioners, alle 25-vuotiaat, opiskelijat, työttömät, siviilipalvelus- ja varushenkilöt). Varauduthan esittämään alennukseen oikeuttavan todistuksen.

Pay What You Can | A small number of "Pay What You Can" tickets are also on sale for the performance. PWYC tickets are available at the info point that is located at the Cable Factory's Glass Courtyard and here. Read more about Pay What You Can tickets and other ticket information.

The auditorium is unnumbered.

Tickets can also be bought from the Box office at the Cable Factory's Glass Courtyard.

In ticket enquiries, please contact:

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